Roof Doctor
Roof Doctor, they prescribe all patterns of weather. The team at Roof Doctor went to Tilladelse Creative + Marketing Agency for a rebranding including imagery, website, and more.
Boaz at Tilladelse reached out to me to see what we could create for their website pages. And boy were we in for it. The day for the photoshoot came, with glorious weather, almost too glorious. Here in the PNW, us photographers actually prefer the overcast skies as the clouds act almost as large soft boxes. This helps soften the light hitting our subjects. Not today though, it was blue skies and bright sun. We were also photographing on top of a house, that sat atop one of the tallest hills around… was windy.
Boaz was an incredible help for this shoot as we navigated a very slanted roof, both of us scrambling to not slide down while holding expensive gear. One of the most memorable moments was seeing Boaz holding onto a safety line with one hand and in the other holding my gigantic soft box over his head that was billowing in the wind. What a trooper.
Thanks to Boaz and the team at Tilladelse for including me in this project.
All images below were taken by me, website design and image editing by Tilladelse.